The retreat will commence at 9.30am Good Friday 18th April and finish on Sunday 27 April at 11.30am. There may be the opportunity for some places for 5 days, non residential but preference will be given to those who wish to do the full 10 days. If you would like to do the 5 days please email Rinchen to go on a waitlist.
This is a silent residential meditation retreat that will be a combination of teaching and practice based on Shamatha and Vipassana methods. The retreat will focus on the basic principles of meditation and will include, sitting, walking and lying down meditation in a relaxed and conducive environment. The retreat is suitable for those who have some meditation or retreat experience, but there will be some guidance. The evening sessions will focus on the Four Immeasureable meditations, Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity. There are a few options for attending, either 5 or 10 days and either residential or non residential.
The days will begin at 6.30am and finish at 8pm except for the first and last days.
The costs includes all meals which will be vegetarian and mostly vegan. We will try to cater to some dietary restrictions but this may not always be possible, please let us know of any specific allergies. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one as some of the sessions will be lying down. Please be aware that a commitment to attend all sessions is expected of participants. Numbers are limited.
The retreat will be facilitated by Venerable Rinchen who is the resident nun at KYLBC, she has been running meditation courses and retreats for over 20 years.
You will need to email for a registration form and once that is received the booking link will be emailed to you. Our email address is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Costs for the 10 day retreat:
Residential - member/concession: $900.00 Residential - non member: $1000.00
Non residential - member/Concession: $700.00 Non residenital - non member: $800.00
Bookings and payment to be made by 14 April. For residential participants: you will need to bring, linen, pillow, towel and all toiletries, rooms will be shared with two people, they are airconditioned. A cancellation fee will be applied if you decide not to attend, cancellation must be made at least 5 days prior to the event to avoid this fee.