Khacho Yulo Ling in Cairns

Khacho Yulo Ling Buddhist Centre is a place of peace and practice. The centre is under the patronage of and has been blessed by, both His Holiness Sakya Trizin and the late His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche. It is of the lineage of the Tsarpa sub sect of the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism but welcomes all traditions and teachings.

The centre is facilitated by it's resident nun, Venerable Rinchen, a fully ordained Australian nun in the Tibetan tradition. The centre is open to all interested people who are seeking to know more about Buddhism or meditation. We offer regular practices and Buddhist teachings.

Upcoming Events

Weekly Meditation Sessions

Tuesday Morning Meditation - 7am to 8am (resuming from 16 April)

This session is for those who like to meditate early, prefer to do so in a group and before work.  They are silent meditations, not guided to allow people to practice as they prefer. The Gompa gates will open at 6.50am for a prompt 7am start, please bring a sarong or towel to cover the cushion/chair. 

Other Weekly unguided Meditations areWednesdays at 10.30am and Sunday at 10am - suggested donation for these sessions, $5/$10 and bring sarong/towel for cushions.  Please do not attend if you have any flu or cold like symptoms.


Tuesday Evening Guided Meditations

Resuming Tuesday 30 April till 18 June 2024


We will resume our guided meditation session starting on Tuesday 30 April for 8 weeks.  These are guided meditations that include instructions on both Shamatha and Vipassana Meditation techniques as well as the 4 Immeasurable meditations which include, Loving Kindness, Comapassion, Joy and Equanimity.  These evenings are suitable for both beginners and regular meditators.

The cost is the same, $10 per session and and is also available for those who wish to do via Zoom.  A Zoom link will be sent Tuesday afternoon for the evening session.  

If you are attending in person please bring a sarong/towel to cover cushion or chair and please do not attend if you have any cold or flu like symptoms. 

The cost for each session is $10 and bookings are essential and numbers are limited.  

Book via our Trybooking link on:



Saga Dawa Duchen (Vesak) Celebration

Thursday 23 May at 6.00pm - 16 Arhat Puja (Ceremony)

the buddha

Celebrate the Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana of the Buddha

Saga Dawa (Vesak according to lunar Calendar) 9 May to 6 June, marks the month of Buddha Shakyamuni's birth, enlightenment and his Mahaparinirvana. Saga Dawa begins on the 1st day of the 4th lunar calendar month, this year falling on Thursday 9 May till 6 June. The name Saga Dawa is the name of a particular star which only appears within the fourth month of the lunar calendar. During this month the Buddha performed Six Noble Activities: the Buddha was conceived; was born; took ordination; completely defeated his mara's; attained full enlightenment, and lastly; passed into Mahaparinirvana. It is said that within this month, whatever positive and negative thoughts and actions one carries out, they are multiplied 100,000 times.

To celebrate Saga Dawa or Vesak we will hold a 16 Arhat Puja on the full moon, Thursday 23 May at 6pm.  If you would like to attend bring a tea light or offering for the shrine and some vegetarian food to share afterwards, we will provide some home made chai and nibbles as well.  All welcome.

No bookings required, bring a sarong or towel to cover cushions and don't attend with any cold or flu like symptoms.


Master Senshin - Cairns August 2 - 4

Save the date.  Details of the Weekend will be posted soon.


Zen Master Senshin (Soen Sa Nim) has been the Guiding Teacher of the Queensland Zen Centre since 1996. Her training began in 1978 in New York City when she became a student of the founding teacher of the Kwan Um School of Zen, Zen Master Seung Sahn. In 1996, she received Inka from Zen Master Seung Sahn, and after his death in 2004, Dharma Transmission from Zen Master Dae Gak, Abbot of the Furnace Mountain Zen Centre in Kentucky, USA.

Since 1999, Zen Master Senshin has continued training with Shodo Harada Roshi, Abbot of Sogen-ji Monastery in Okayama, Japan.  Zen Master Senshin is the author of Essence of Mind, a book containing a selection of her Dharma Talks given during the first years of her Brisbane residency.  For more information see their website: 


Kids Group /Discussion Group/Garden Bee and Memberships

2023/24 Memberships are now due, the link is below. Thank you for supporting the centre.

Please make sure your membership is up to date when booking for events to receive the discounts.  Your contributions go towards helping keep our beautiful centre operating and we greatly appreciate your support.  Annual Family membership $70  Single membership $50  Single Concession membership $40.  Try Booking link:  For Lifetime Membership: Try Booking link:   for Lifetime single membership $1,000   Lifetime Family membership $1,500.

Monthly Childrens Group: - Please note that kids group will not resume until further notice

Discussion Group.    The next Discussion group is Sunday January 28 at 11.30am in person. We are currently watching and discussing a retreat course with Alan Wallace.  Cost for session is suggested $10 donation.

Garden Bee: You are invited to join our monthly garden bee - Next Garden Bee TBA.

We generally meet on the first Saturday of each month, starting at 6am in summer, 6.30am in winter. We usually work for around 2 hours and have a shared breakfast afterwards, COVID-19 permitting. You can arrive later and leave earlier if they want. The jobs vary, weeding, some hedge/bush trimming and other jobs such as mulching, general tidy up etc.

Please wear sturdy boots, gloves & a hat. If you have any favourite tools, bring them along, although we do have a collection of tools at the Centre.  Thank you. 


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